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The Broken Record Radio Show

The Broken Record Radio Show is weekly two-hour talk show originating from KBBF Radio in Santa Rosa, California.

Jan 31, 2023

Full Episode - 1-23-30 - In this episode, Amanda takes us on an epic journey of metaphors. Dave does our annual The French Don't Fuck Around When It Comess To Their Pensions report. Santa Rosa Police Department proudly show us the big fish they caught.

Jan 24, 2023

Excerpt from 1-23-23 - In light of a mass shooting close to our area, the hosts weigh in (once again) on one of the most important questions of our lifetime: why do mass shootings happen?

Jan 24, 2023

Full Episode 1-23-23 - In this episode, we (we meaning Sparkle and Amanda) analyze the 1995 classic Clueless (which came out a few years ago), we discuss why mass shootings happen, and the forest defender Tortuguita who was killed by Atlanta police. 

Jan 17, 2023

Excerpt From 1-16-23 - Ok this is the last Boat Hole segment, I swear. All jokes aside, this can be a useful tool to tell an anti capitalist story if you're looking for one.

Jan 17, 2023

Full Episode 1-16-23 - In this episode, Amanda teaches us Office Space shenanigans, and Dave encouages Broken Record to Do You and do a whole 'nother Boat Hole segment. Sparkle discusses her art philosophy.